Saturday, November 22, 2008

I went, I saw, I loved!

I could go on and on and on about what they didn't get right in the movie, at least in my opinion, but overall LOVED it! Now, I gotta reread the book, cuz I'm crazy like that. If I had the time and money I'd go see it again, then probably read the book again, repeat as necessary, but I'll content myself with waiting for the DVD.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

3 days!!!

Three days to Twilight and I'm trying to sorta keep myself busy knitting. The only problem with keeping busy knitting is that unless I have something else to engage my head, I'm sitting there knitting and dwelling on the fact that there are 3 whole days and a few hours until I get to sink into a semi-comfy theater seat and immerse myself in Twilight. 3 whole days!!!

Speaking of movies, here's a funny story. As a brief intro, we sometimes refer to Robby as Bob. One day last week, Sammy is demanding that Robby do something for him, but Robby is distracted with reading a book and doesn't respond in a timely fashion (according to Sammy). After a little while Sammy tires of trying to get Robby to cooperate and says, "I'm not happy, Bob! Not happy!" If you need help with that reference you need to watch/rewatch The Incredibles and pay close attention to the scene where Bob gets fired.

Oh, and here's a pic of my most recent FO, which I'm very proud of! This particular one is not mine to keep, but I fully intend to make myself one soon! Just not sure if I want to go with the black or purple Simply Soft Eco. Ok, my first choice was the dark red (autumn red, I think), but there wasn't any left. FIRST I've got to get some more Christmas presents taken care of though, right?!?